Sunday, March 10, 2019

Mental Spring Cleaning



I was going to take a break and go into another direction with this post but I realized how many people were hurting and are still healing from life circumstances. I didn't know how many people were in tuned with my past recent posts and realizations that they are coming to concerning themselves, their families, and friends. Many have asked me in emails, where do they go from here? What happens next after they find a therapist? How long does the process takes?
For some, the situations are fresh and for others it's been years and are now learning how to forgive. First, let me say this again, I am NOT an expert, YET. That is one of my goals that I am working toward, MA in Counseling in Mental Health. However, life experiences and my professional development has allowed me to 1.) LISTEN, 2.) LISTEN 3.) LISTEN some more 4.) UNDERSTAND and 5.) HELP those who need a mentor during this time, married couples and singles.

With that being said, I am going to go through certain stages each week. By the third week in May, we will be ready for some summertime fun!!! The season of spring is among us. Spring is renewal. And a lot people do their spring cleaning. They throw out the old to replace it with the new or leave the empty space, empty. I am obsessed with seasonal cleaning. I never wait for springtime. I toss out the clutter at the beginning of each season. Sometimes, we get so caught up with cleaning out of closets, throwing away old clothes, replacing our old clothes with new clothes and detoxing our bodies, we tend to forget about cleaning our minds and allowing ourselves to feel the emotions that life has thrown our way.


While I was taking psych class in human development, I've came across the 5 stages of grief by Elisabeth Kubler Ross. After leisurely reading articles and 2 of her books about the stages outside of class, I realized that the stages doesn't only apply to grief by death, but it can also be linked to all of life circumstances that has caused us tremendous grief. One stage which was recently added that I am adding in to the stages here is Shock. The 6 stages of grief that we will explore are:

  1. Shock
  2. Denial
  3. Anger
  4. Bargaining
  5. Depression
  6. Acceptance
So, yes for the next 6 weeks we will be looking at each stage carefully. It will be hard for some and some may have an "ah-ha" moment. Whatever moment you may experience this is your spring cleaning. I encourage you to stay with me during this journey. It will be worth it in the end. How long will this process last is up to you. What I always tell myself and others, is to trust the process and find out what the journey is teaching you.  Don't worry about the later, look at the now. Look at this very moment, this very second. Feel it and accept it. That's where the healing begins. 

So, let's do this thing called life. Let's knock it out, spring clean out our emotions so when the summer comes, you can fully enjoy it! Who wants to spend their summer sulking and emotional, when you can be out enjoying the weather, going to the beach, Broadway shows, riding in an 18 wheeler up and down the East Coast (that's going to be me for an entire week in the summer. I will be posting about that experience.), hanging out with old and new friends. This year, this summer, all of those stages will be left behind and you will be ready to live the best life. BUT you have to put in the work. You can choose not to get help and sweep it aside but no matter where you go and what you do, you're going to have to face it. So either deal with it now or let it consume you later. 

For those who do not have my email and have questions or comments that you don't want to post here or you need me as a mentor you can contact me at

You have more power on the inside of you than you know.