I'm going to just throw it out there. The government is controlling everything and now want to control what a woman can do with her body. This has been a huge controversial topic within the last couple of months because of the changes in the law in certain states. Before I dive into all of that, let's look at this closely. But, first let me just say that I am Pro-Choice, but will view the other side, Pro-Life.
Abortion has been a controversial topic throughout history on every level from religious views to the political arena. Laws has restricted and limited this practice. Contraceptives has been used to prevent pregnancies, but like most things, it isn't 100% preventative. The unpreventable pregnancies are the ones that are usually aborted with the female's decision. Why? Because it's her body. There are three countries in Latin America that banned abortion. They are Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Nicaragua, and there are two countries in Europe, which are Malta and Holy See (which is not Vatican City), that banned abortion entirely as well. But here in the United States, before Roe vs. Wade in 1973, abortion was already legal in several states with certain restrictions.
Abortion laws in the U.S. before Roe Illegal (30) Legal in case of rape (1) Legal in case of danger to woman's health (2) Legal in case of danger to woman's health, rape or incest, or likely damaged fetus (13) Legal on request (4)
By Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3179491
But here we are going back. The world before January 22, 1973 has reared its head here in 2019. Nine states had passed Bills to limit the procedure. Ohio, Utah, Montana, Kentucky, Arkansas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and the latest to join the ranks, Louisiana. Now Louisiana passed a Bill to ban abortion after a heartbeat is detected. This can challenge the constitutional woman's right in Roe vs. Wade. The crazy thing about this is that, I feel like this will not be the last state to take it to this extreme. I think there will be others that will follow suit.
Let's look at their Pro-Life reasons.
1. Their argument first goes to saying that it is an act of murder. It's killing a human life, an innocent human life. They say that once something has an heartbeat, there is life. Pro-Life advocates use the Scriptures to back up their argument as well. In the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses to give to his people in Exodus 20:13, it says, "Thou shalt not murder." It was reminded to the people again in Deuteronomy 5:17.
2. If people are charged and imprisoned for committing murder, then it should hold the same weight for someone who has an abortion.
3. Instead of aborting the baby, place the baby up for adoption so families who can't have children and would like to adopt will be given the opportunity to become parents.
4. Having an abortion and/or multiple abortions can cause a health risk for women later in life when they want to have children. Their argument states that there can be risks of the woman having an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriages, and cancer.
5. Abortion can also cause depression and stress, which can lead to mental health issues.
6. Abortion uses taxpayers money.
I know there are more reasons as to why there are people who choose Pro-Life, but I just want to look at the main 6 that I keep hearing about. Many people are shocked that I am Pro-Choice because I am a Christian.
Well first, I can't put the heartbeat theory in the same category as "Thou shall not murder." Why? Because the fetus is attached to the placenta and the umbilical cord is attached to the mother. In order for the fetus to survive, it need its source. It can't survive outside the womb before the first trimester and it has a significant low chance of survival during the middle of the second trimester.
Second, Do you know how many children are still waiting to be adopted? Do you know the protocol of adopting a child and how much it cost to adopt a child? Do you know how picky people can be? They look at pictures of children who they want to adopt to see how they look, if they are disabled and if they are healthy. Because let's be honest, unfortunately, no one wants to have a child that has a disability. Adoption shouldn't be an alternative to abortion because it's the woman's choice because it's her body.
Most women who do have abortion, get the procedure done during the first trimester which is from week 1 to the end of 12 weeks. Most women do not find out that they are pregnant until they are about 10 weeks. Because you know, we have this thing that's called a menstrual cycle better known as a Period. And sometimes the cycle changes due to weight gain, weight loss, stress, an hormonal imbalance, and yes, even pregnancy. Sure, we can take a pregnancy test and get the results. Sometimes its accurate and sometimes it isn't. And guess what, we would still have to make a doctor's appointment to get the results confirmed, which could take about 2 days to a week to be seen. So, the ALL MEN SENATOR VOTERS that voted and wrote those bills and the other men who want to have a say about a woman's body, you have no idea what takes place in our body. You don't know what it feels like to be pregnant or even have a feeling or an inkling of the emotions we experience. And you know what... YOU NEVER WILL.
Most women who get the procedure done use the money out of their own pocket to get the abortion. So complaining about the use of tax dollars needs to stop. Put your frustration into why the tax dollars are being used to build more prisons to incarcerate the men of color, African Americans and Latinos. Or, why tax dollars are being taken away from the US education system that is paying our teachers and highly effective paraprofessionals pennies. How about that?
Want to do population control? Control the semen that comes out of the man that causes the woman to become pregnant. Figure that out! Because where there is a problem, you should go directly to the source, correct? Well, who gets women pregnant...men. Try a condom..yeah, doesn't work all the time and some men are embarrassed to get the right size condom to even bother getting the correct ones. But I'm sure they wouldn't want to control men bodies.
The repercussions to banning and putting limits on abortion can be severe. Before Roe vs. Wade, do you know women would resort in going to undercover, non-certified, basements or hotel rooms to get the procedure done which caused more damage to their body, causing them not to have children in the future, scaring organs, or killing them during or after the process. Some women would be so desperate that they would attempt to do the abortion themselves by using objects, such as wire hangers, use of hard drugs, such as cocaine, or excessive drinking of alcohol or gasoline to enforce a miscarriage.
It's a woman's body. A woman should be the one to have the final say on what happens to her body and what needs to happen in her way. No one else. It's her choice. It's our choice. And no government, no man or woman on this planet should not have a say as to what I can and can't do with my body. Because "It's My Body."